National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Orange Shirts to Remember the Children and their Families
September 30, 2021 marks the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in our country. Our team, who have been working at Peepeekisis Cree Nation, Saskatchewan since August, will be wearing their new orange crew shirts to raise awareness of the tragic legacy of residential schools and to honour the survivors and their families. Justice Murray Sinclair, the Chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission stated that "7 generations of children went through the Residential Schools" in Canada. Most of these children were mistreated - and those who are still living, carry these deep scars to this day. Therefore, the Beam Craft team counts it an honour and privilege and of great significance to be raising the main beams in the children's area of the new community hub of the Peepeekisis Cree Nation the week of September 30th.